Second life griefing tools clipper
Second life griefing tools clipper

second life griefing tools clipper

The only advice I’ve received recommended I search and wait for a land plot to default due to a lapse in taxes…Gee, thanks Trion. I queried Trion about these issues and ideas, and never received a reply on my ticket. I would be willing to (dare I say) use instanced zones for housing and farms just so I could get full game functionality. It would make more sense, however, to open up more land to new players (there appears to be broad expanses of land not being used for anything). That said, that’s about all you get with a paid (“Patron”) account since there is no land left to new players, so why pay real money? Perhaps if Trion develops a queue that eventually allowed one to at least get a 16x16 farm, then it might be worth sticking with a patron account. As such, I’d recommend staying with a free-to-play account, which unlocks about 70% of the game content.

second life griefing tools clipper

It’s kind of like paying full price for a car and only getting two wheels. Trion will happily charge you the $15/month patron fee, but they do not guarantee you full game functionality, so they’re essentially perpetrating fraud. If you can’t find land you have to use either a public farm (which is very restrictive and subject to player theft) or rely on a guild or friend to let you use theirs. Apparently during the Beta and early days of the release, there was a huge land grab some players/guilds own several plots of land creating a land monopoly, which essentially shuts out new players. Here’s the catch: THERE IS NO LAND LEFT IN ARCHEAGE!! I was on a relatively new server with a relatively low population, and after hours and days of hunting for an available plot of land, I found nothing (I’m not unique this sad song has been sung by many a player). In order to get the full functionality and enjoyment out the game, you need at least a small plot of land (8x8) where you can safely farm the materials you need to craft, trade, and sell a ton of stuff. Building fast clipper ships, merchant trading vessels (or warships) and braving the high (PvP) seas as a merchant, mercenary or pirate all make the game unique and fun to play, but the heart of the game is crafting, trade and commerce.

second life griefing tools clipper

The graphics are outstanding and there are many well done nuances to the world to allow for full game emersion. Building fast clipper ships, merchant trading vessels (or warships) and braving the high (PvP) seas as a merchant, mercenary or pirate all make the game unique Although many of the MMO aspects of AA are nothing new, the crafting/farming/trading aspect makes the game intriguing. Although many of the MMO aspects of AA are nothing new, the crafting/farming/trading aspect makes the game intriguing.

Second life griefing tools clipper